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Pantau, tingkatkan, dan evaluasi kesadaran siber karyawan

Temukan kelemahan keamanan karyawan dan otomatisasi perbaikannya dengan program pelatihan yang dipersonalisasi.


Pantau, tingkatkan, dan evaluasi kesadaran siber karyawan

Temukan kelemahan keamanan karyawan dan otomatisasi perbaikannya dengan pelatihan security awareness yang dipersonalisasi.


Pelatihan security awareness berkelanjutan dalam hitungan menit.

Berbasis cloud 100%, tanpa instalasi dan konfigurasi mudah.
  • Otomatisasi pelatihan
  • Bangun profil risiko
  • Personalisasi materi
  • Pantau perkembangan
  • Capai kepatuhan

130+ materi terkurasi

Lihat sample materi pelatihan kami

Kata Sandi yang Kuat


Dasar-dasar Phishing


Pengenalan UU PDP


Produk kami

Pelatihan security awareness berkelanjutan dalam hitungan menit

Berbasis cloud 100%, tanpa instalasi dan konfigurasi mudah.
  • Otomatisasi pelatihan

  • Bangun profil risiko

  • Personalisasi modul

  • Pantau perkembangan

  • Capai kepatuhan

130+ modul terkurasi

Lihat sample modul pelatihan
Kata Sandi yang Kuat


Dasar-dasar Phishing


Pengenalan UU PDP


Pelatihan security awareness berkelanjutan dalam hitungan menit.

Berbasis cloud 100%, tanpa instalasi dan konfigurasi mudah.
  • Otomatisasi pelatihan

  • Bangun profil risiko

  • Personalisasi materi

  • Pantau perkembangan

  • Capai kepatuhan

Langkah menuju security awareness berkelanjutan



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Spend some time to visit our website or head office and discover our current courses, enrollment procedure, and registration deadline. We are opening new classes every beginning of each month.

Langkah menuju security awareness berkelanjutan


Temukan kelemahan karyawan

Dimulai dengan kuesioner singkat analisis gap keamanan, SiberMate akan mengungkap kelemahan terbesar tiap karyawan dan menyajikannya dalam bentuk profil risiko yang unik
  • Analisis celah risiko
  • Jadikan standar pelatihan keamanan
  • Bangun profil resiko

Personalisasi Modul pelatihan

Perbaiki kelemahan terbesar setiap karyawan dengan modul yang terpersonalisasi secara otomatis. 
  • Otomatisasi pelatihan dengan 130+ modul tersedia secara out of the box
  • Kurasi modul oleh expert
  • Susun modul sendiri dengan LMS

Pantau perkembangan karyawan

Amati perkembangan karyawan dengan penilaian risiko baik secara individual maupun keseluruhan perusahaan.
  • Pantau skor risiko
  • Analisis kinerja pelatihan
  • Dapatkan laporan perkembangan mingguan

Tunjukan upaya kepatuhan

Tunjukan upaya kepatuhan terhadap regulasi terkait dengan data partisipasi pelatihan, skor pelatihan, penilaian risiko dan ekspor laporan sesuai kebutuhan Anda.
  • Ekspor laporan audit
  • Pantau partisipasi pelatihan
  • Tunjukan perkembangan karyawan


Frequently Asked Questions

Have Question? We are here to help

How confident do you feel with where the company is going?


How confident do you feel with where the company is going?

We will begin in this chapter by dealing with some general quantum mechanical ideas. Some of the statements will be quite precise, others only partially precise. It will be hard to tell you as we go along which is which, but by the time you have finished the rest of the book, you will understand in looking back which parts hold up and which parts were only explained roughly.

How confident do you feel with where the company is going?

We will begin in this chapter by dealing with some general quantum mechanical ideas. Some of the statements will be quite precise, others only partially precise. It will be hard to tell you as we go along which is which, but by the time you have finished the rest of the book, you will understand in looking back which parts hold up and which parts were only explained roughly.

How confident do you feel with where the company is going?

We will begin in this chapter by dealing with some general quantum mechanical ideas. Some of the statements will be quite precise, others only partially precise. It will be hard to tell you as we go along which is which, but by the time you have finished the rest of the book, you will understand in looking back which parts hold up and which parts were only explained roughly.

How confident do you feel with where the company is going?

We will begin in this chapter by dealing with some general quantum mechanical ideas. Some of the statements will be quite precise, others only partially precise. It will be hard to tell you as we go along which is which, but by the time you have finished the rest of the book, you will understand in looking back which parts hold up and which parts were only explained roughly.

How confident do you feel with where the company is going?

We will begin in this chapter by dealing with some general quantum mechanical ideas. Some of the statements will be quite precise, others only partially precise. It will be hard to tell you as we go along which is which, but by the time you have finished the rest of the book, you will understand in looking back which parts hold up and which parts were only explained roughly.

Bangun kesadaran keamanan melalui pelatihan berkelanjutan